Juan Castro Arvizu

Position: Former Member
Email:       juan.manuel.castroestudiant.upc.edu

Journal publications

[1] J. Castro Arvizu, J. Vilà-Valls, A. Moragrega, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Received signal strength based indoor localization using a robust interacting multiple model extended Kalman filter algorithm", SAGE International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 13, August 2017. | BibTex

Conference publications

[1] J. Castro Arvizu, A. Moragrega, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Assessment of RSS Model Calibration with Real WLAN Devices", International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, August 2015.

[2] J. Castro Arvizu, J. Vilà-Valls, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Simultaneous tracking and RSS model calibration by robust filtering", IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, November 2014.

[3] J. Castro Arvizu, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Cramér Rao lower bound for breakpoint distance estimation in a path loss model", IEEE International Conference on Communications, June 2014, pp. 176 - 180.


[1] J. Castro Arvizu, "Robust Indoor Positioning in WLAN Networks", Dpt. of Signal Theory and Communications, UPC, March 2017. Advisor: J. Fernández Rubio and P. Closas Gómez.