Italo Atzeni

Position: Former Member
Office:    D5-119
Telephone:    + 34 93 401 10 66


Italo Atzeni received the MSc degree in telecommunications engineering from the University of Cagliari (Italy) in 2009 and the PhD degree in signal processing and communications from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech (Spain) in 2014, both with honors (summa cum laude). He conducted his PhD at the Signal Processing and Communications Group, Signal Theory and Communications Department at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech (Spain). In 2013, he was visiting researcher in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is/has been involved in the CONSOLIDER-INGENIO project COMONSENS, in the TEC project MOSAIC, in the FP7 project RESCUECELL, and in the TEC project DISNET.

Journal publications

[1] Italo Atzeni, L. G. Ordóñez, G. Scutari, D. P. Palomar and J. R. Fonollosa, "Noncooperative Day-Ahead Bidding Strategies for Demand-Side Expected Cost Minimization with Real-Time Adjustments: A GNEP Approach", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 62, May 2014, pp. 2397 - 2412.

[2] Italo Atzeni, L. G. Ordóñez, G. Scutari, D. P. Palomar and J. R. Fonollosa, "Demand-Side Management via Distributed Energy Generation and Storage Optimization", IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, Vol. 4, June 2013, pp. 866 - 876.

[3] Italo Atzeni, L. G. Ordóñez, G. Scutari, D. P. Palomar and J. R. Fonollosa, "Noncooperative and Cooperative Optimization of Distributed Energy Generation and Storage in the Demand-side of the Smart Grid", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 61, May 2013, pp. 2454 - 2472.

Conference publications

[1] Italo Atzeni, L. G. Ordóñez, G. Scutari, D. P. Palomar and J. R. Fonollosa, "Cooperative day-ahead Bidding Strategies for Demand-Side Expected Cost Minimization", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, May 2013, pp. 5224 - 5228.

[2] Italo Atzeni, L. G. Ordóñez, G. Scutari, D. P. Palomar and J. R. Fonollosa, "Day-Ahead Bidding Strategies for Demand-Side Expected Cost Minimization", IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, November 2012, pp. 1 - 6.


[1] Italo Atzeni, "Distributed Demand-Side Optimization in the Smart Grid", Dpt. of Signal Theory and Communications, UPC, July 2014. Advisor: J. R. Fonollosa and L. G. Ordóñez.

Research activity

His current research interests are optimization, game theoretical, and signal processing techniques applied to distributed systems.

Academic activity

He has been Teaching Assistent for the course "Introduction to Communications" at the ETSETB (UPC) during the academic year 2012-2013.