
Portable Kit for Detecting Trapped and Buried People in Ruins and Avalanches

Acronym:    RESCUECELL
Code:    FP7-SME-2012-1-315007
Funder:    European Commission
Start date:    2013 January 1st
End date:    2014 December 31st
Web site:
SPCOM Participants:    Alba Pagès Zamora, Silvana Silva Pereira, Pere Joan Gimenez Febrer, and Josep Vidal Manzano
SPCOM Responsible:    Alba Pagès Zamora


The aim of the RescueCell project is to develop a novel accurate location system based on mobile signal measurements, in order to create a cost effective and portable kit, easy to be installed and used. The RescueCell system is expected to lead to significantly faster searches in SAR (Search and Rescue) using a unique, easy-to-use, cost efficient, safe and reliable tool in order to locate victims who are buried under debris or snow, providing accuracy of their position.


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[1] L.A. Santiago L.A., J. Perello, A. Pagès Zamora, J. Vidal, P. Giménez-Febre, S. Silva Pereira, I. S. Demirkol, J. Paradells, "Procedimiento y sistema de localización de terminales móviles" May 2017.