Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Acronym:    COST IC0902
Funder:    European Commission
Start date:    2010 March 1st
End date:    2013 December 31st
Keywords:    Cognitive radio, Coexistance
Web site:
SPCOM Participants:    Margarita Cabrera Bean, Montse Nájar Martón and Josep Vidal Manzano
SPCOM Responsible:    Margarita Cabrera Bean, Montse Nájar Martón and Josep Vidal Manzano


The main objective of the Action is to integrate the cognitive concept across all layers of communication systems, resulting in the definition of a European platform for cognitive radio and networks.

The Action proposes coordinated research in the field of cognitive radio and networks. The cognitive concept applies to coexistence between heterogeneous wireless networks, that share the electromagnetic spectrum for maximum efficiency in resource management. Several efforts are currently in place in European research centers and consortia to introduce cognitive mechanisms at different layers of the communications protocol stack. This Action goes beyond the above trend by integrating the cognitive concept across all layers of system architecture, in view of joint optimization of link adaptation based on spectrum sensing, resource allocation, and selection between multiple networks, including underlay technologies.

The cross-layer approach will provide a new perspective in the design of cognitive systems, based on a global optimization process that integrates existing cognitive radio projects, thanks to the merge of a wide-range of expertise, from hardware to applications, provided by over 30 academic and industrial partners.

The final result will be the definition of a European platform for cognitive radio and networks. To reach this goal, algorithms and protocols for all layers of the communications stack will be designed, and a set of standard interfaces as well as a common reference language for interaction between cognitive network nodes will be defined.


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Journal publications

[1] L. Reggiani, J. Fiorina, S. Gezici, S. Morosi and M. Nájar, "Radio Context Awareness and Applications", Journal of Sensors, Vol. 2013, No. ID 491092, August 2013.

[2] E. Lagunas, M. Amin, F. Ahmad and M. Nájar, "Determining building interior structures using compressive sensing", Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 22, No. 2, April 2013.

[3] E. Lagunas, M. Amin, F. Ahmad and M. Nájar, "Joint Wall Mitigation and Compressive Sensing for Indoor Image Reconstruction", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 51, No. 2, February 2013, pp. 891 - 905.

[4] L. Blanco and M. Nájar, "Sparse covariance fitting for direction of arrival estimation", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, May 2012.

[5] E. Lagunas and M. Nájar, "Sparse correlation matching-based spectrum sensing for open spectrum communications", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, February 2012.

[6] M. Navarro and M. Nájar, "Frequency Domain Joint TOA and DOA Estimation in IR-UWB", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2011, pp. 3174 - 3183.

[7] A. Puengnim, N. Thomas, J.-Y. Tourneret and J. Vidal, "Classification of Linear and Non-Linear Modulations using the Baum-Welch Algorithm and MCMC Methods", EURASIP Signal Processing, Elsevier, September 2010.

[8] L. Blanco, J. Serra and M. Nájar, "Minimum Variance Time of Arrival Estimation for Positioning", EURASIP Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 90, No. 8, August 2010, pp. 2611 - 2620.

[9] J. Gómez, A. Pérez-Neira and M. Nájar, "Energy Efficient Communications over the AWGN Relay Channel", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2010, pp. 32 - 37.

Conference publications

[1] M. Navarro, P. Closas Gómez and M. Nájar, "Assessment of Direct Positioning for IR-UWB in IEEE 802.15.4a Channels", International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, September 2013, pp. 55 - 60.

[2] J. Serra and M. Nájar, "Double Shrinkage Correction in Sample LMMSE Estimation", European Signal Processing Conference, September 2013.

[3] E. Lagunas and M. Nájar, "Compressive Spectrum Sensing Based on Spectral Shape Feature Detection", International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, August 2013, pp. 145 - 149.

[4] E. Lagunas and M. Nájar, "Improved interior wall detection using designated dictionaries in compressive urban sensing problems", Compressive Sensing Conference, Vol. 8717, April 2013.

[5] E. Lagunas, M. Amin, F. Ahmad and M. Nájar, "Sparsity-based Radar Imaging of building structures", European Signal Processing Conference, August 2012, pp. 864 - 868.

[6] J. Serra and M. Nájar, "Optimal Linear Correction in LMMSE Estimation using moments of the complex inverse Wishart distribution", IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, August 2012, pp. 872 - 875.
[7] E. Lagunas, M. Amin, F. Ahmad and M. Nájar, "Compressive Sensing for Through Wall Radar Imaging of Starionary Scenes using arbitrary data measurements", IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, July 2012, pp. 11347 - 1352.

[8] E. Lagunas, M. Amin, F. Ahmad and M. Nájar, "Wall mitigation techniques for indoor sensing within the compressive sensing framework", IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, June 2012, pp. 213 - 216.

[9] J. Baranda, P. Henarejos, J. Grunenberger and M. Nájar, "Prototyping with SDR: a quick way to play with next-gen communications systems", International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, November 2011.

[10] E. Lagunas and M. Nájar, "Sparse Channel Estimation based on Compressed Sensing for Ultra WideBand Systems", International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, September 2011, pp. 395 - 399.

[11] E. Lagunas, M. Nájar and M. A. Lagunas, "Space-Time-Frequency Candidate Methods for Spectrum Sensing", European Signal Processing Conference, August 2011, pp. 1234 - 1238.

[12] V. Ringset, H. Rustad, J. Vandermont and M. Nájar, "Performance of a FilterBank MultiCarrier FBMC Physical Layer in the WiMAX Context", Future Network & Mobile Summit, June 2010.

[13] E. Lagunas, M. Nájar and M. Navarro, "Joint TOA and DOA Estimation Compliant with IEEE 802.15.4a Standard", International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, May 2010, pp. 157 - 162.

[14] E. Lagunas, L. Taponecco, M. Nájar and A. D'Amico, "TOA Estimation in UWB: Comparison between Time and Frequency Domain Processing", International ICST Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems, May 2010.

[15] E. Lagunas, M. Nájar and M. Navarro, "UWB Joint TOA and DOA Estimation", International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, September 2009, pp. 839 - 843.

[16] A. Moragrega, X. Artiga, C. George, C. Ibars, M. Navarro, M. Nájar, P. Miskovsky, F. Mira and M. di Renzo, "Ultra-Wideband Testbed for 6.0-8.5 GHz Ranging and Low Data Rate Communication", European Microwave Week, September 2009.

[17] J. Serra, L. Blanco and M. Nájar, "Cramer-Rao Bound for Time-Delay estimation in the Frequency domain", European Signal Processing Conference, August 2009.


[1] M. Nájar and M. Navarro, "Method of Demodulation and Synchronization in Ultra WideBand Systems" May 2013.

[2] M. Navarro, M. Nájar and C. Ibars, "Method for Estimating the Time of Arrival in Ultra Wideband Systems" September 2012.