Josep Sala Alvarez
Position: Associate Professor
Office: D5-114b
Telephone: + 34 93 401 58 94
Telephone: + 34 93 401 64 47
Advised Students: Francesc Molina Oliveras
Dr. Sala received his M.Sc and PhD. in Telecommunications Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), at the department of Signal Theory and Communications (TSC) in 1991 and 1995, respectively. During 1992 he was working at ESA\'s European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt in the former Station Communications and Engineering department. Up till Sept. 1994 he was a research associate at TSC, when he was appointed assistant professor. In Nov. 1997 he became Associate Professor. In the SPC group, Dr. Sala performs research in signal processing algorithms and system design for communication transceivers. He has participated in 12 space-related communication projects for ESA and in 12 other wireless communications projects at national/European level with industry and institutions. Dr. Sala is (co-)author of over 40 national/international publications and has received the following Research Awards:
1) IEEE Signal Processing Society Best (Senior) Paper Award 2003.
2) International Symposium on Turbo-Codes and Applications (ISTC\'03) Best Poster Paper Award .
3) Best PhD Thesis in Telecommunications National Award (1995). , as well as a Special Mention to the 1999 Barcelona City Award (Premi Ciutat de Barcelona) on Technological Innovation for participation in the design of the ATV Communication Systems.
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