Hugo Durney Wasaff

Position: Former Member

Conference publications

[1] H. Durney Wasaff and J. Sala Alvarez, "Time Delay Estimation in Digital Pre-Distortion", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Hong-Kong, China April 2003.

[2] H. Durney Wasaff and J. Sala Alvarez, "Rational Characterization for Memoryless Adaptive Pre-Distortion", European Signal Processing Conference, Toulousse, France September 2002.

[3] J. Sala Alvarez and H. Durney Wasaff, "Coarse Time Delay Estimation for Pre-Correction of High Power Amplifiers in OFDM Communications", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall, Vancouver, Canada September 2002, pp. 2313 - 2317.

[4] H. Durney Wasaff and J. Sala Alvarez, "CDF Estimation for Pre-Distortion of Non-Linear High Power Amplifiers", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Orlando, Florida, USA May 2002.

[5] J. Sala Alvarez and H. Durney Wasaff, "Unconditionally Convergent Pre-Distortion of Non-Linear High Power Amplifiers", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring, Rhode, Greece May 2001.


[1] H. Durney Wasaff, "Adaptive Pre-Distortion for Non Linear High Power Amplifiers in OFDM Systems.", Dpt. of Signal Theory and Communications, UPC, July 2004. Advisor: J. Sala Alvarez.