Carles Fernandez Prades

Position: Former Member


Carles Fernández Prades received his M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering (with highest honours) from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2000. In 2001, he was recipient of a Ministry of Education grant to work towards his Ph.D. degree and joined the Signal Processing and Communications group at UPC as a research assistant, getting involved in European (EMILY) and Spanish (TECNAV) research projects. In 2002, he engaged an educational innovation project funded by the Catalan Government. In 2003 he became the technical manager at UPC for an European Space Agency research related to the Search and Rescue service to be included in Galileo. His primary areas of interest include statistical and array signal processing, estimation theory, GNSS synchronization and digital communications.

Journal publications

[1] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Position in GNSS", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 14, n, May 2007, pp. 359 - 362

[2] G. Seco, J. Fernández Rubio and C. Fernandez Prades, "ML Estimator and Hybrid Beamformer for Multipath and Interference Mitigation in GNSS Receivers", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 53, March 2005, pp. 1194 - 1208.

Conference publications

[1] J. Vilà-Valls, C. Fernandez Prades, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Bayesian filtering for nonlinear state-space models in symmetric alpha-stable measurement noise", European Signal Processing Conference, September 2011, pp. 674 - 678.

[2] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and I. Aad, "Direct Position Estimation: How Good Can it Get?", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA September 2009.

[3] C. Fernandez Prades, P. Closas Gómez, J. Fernández Rubio and I. Aad, "A Statistical Detector of Multipath and Interferences for Antenna-array based GNSS Receivers", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA September 2009.

[4] J. Arribas, D. Bernal Casas, C. Fernandez Prades, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "A Novel Real-time Platform for Digital Beamforming with GNSS Software Defined Receivers", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA September 2009.

[5] C. Fernandez Prades, D. Bernal Casas and J. Fernández Rubio, "Plataforma de conformación de haz digital para receptores GNSS en tiempo real", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Santander, Spain September 2009.

[6] C. Fernandez Prades, D. Bernal Casas and J. Fernández Rubio, "Correlador doble delta para GPS en tiempo real", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Santander, Spain September 2009.

[7] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Direct Position Estimation outperforms conventional two-steps positioning", European Signal Processing Conference, Glasgow, Scotland August 2009.

[8] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades, D. Bernal Casas and J. Fernández Rubio, "Bayesian Direct Position Estimation", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA September 2008.

[9] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and D. Bernal Casas, "Particle Filtering Strategies for Efficient Multipath Mitigation", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA September 2008.

[10] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "A Particle Filtering Tracking Algorithm for GNSS Synchronization using Laplace's method", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Las Vegas, USA April 2008.

[11] C. Fernandez Prades, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Rao-Blackwellized Variable Rate Particle Filtering for Handset Tracking in Communication and Sensor Networks", European Signal Processing Conference, Poznań, Poland September 2007.

[12] Margarita Cabrera-Bean, J. Fernández Rubio, X. Giro, P. Closas Gómez, F. Rey Micolau, C. Fernandez Prades, J. Sala Alvarez, Javier Villares, A. Gasull and J. R. Casas, "Projecte COM@WEB: plataforma web d'aprenentatge intel", Jornada de Presentació de resultats de projectes de millora a la docència, Barcelona, Spain June 2007.

[13] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "ML Estimation of Position in a GNSS Receiver using the SAGE Algorithm", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, USA April 2007.

[14] P. Closas Gómez, J. Fernández Rubio and C. Fernandez Prades, "Particle Filtering applied to Robust Multivariate Likelihood Optimization in the absence of a closed-form solution", Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cambridge, UK September 2006.

[15] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Optimizing the Likelihood with Sequential Monte-Carlo methods", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Oviedo, Spain September 2006.

[16] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and A. Ramirez Gonzalez, "Multipath Mitigation using Particle Filtering", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, USA September 2006.

[17] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and A. Ramirez Gonzalez, "On the Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Position", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, USA September 2006.

[18] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Sequential Monte-Carlo approximation to the ML Time-delay Estimator in a Multipath Channel", IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications, Cannes, France July 2006.

[19] Margarita Cabrera-Bean, C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio, C. Vargas Berzosa and F. Vargas Berzosa, "LaViCAD: UN PUENTE ENTRE LA INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y EL ESTUDIO DE TEORÍA MATEMÁTICA DE COMUNICACIONES ANALÓGICAS Y DIGITALES", TECNOLOGÍAS APLICADAS A LA ENSE, Madrid, Spain July 2006.

[20] Margarita Cabrera-Bean, C. Fernandez Prades, C. Vargas Berzosa, F. Vargas Berzosa, J. Fernández Rubio and A. Gasull, "LaViCAD: LABORATORIO VIRTUAL DE COMUNICACIONES ANALÓGICAS Y DIGITALES.", Congrés Internacional Docència Universitària i Innovació, Barcelona, Spain July 2006.

[21] C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and Margarita Cabrera-Bean, "COMalaWEB: DESARROLLO DE HERRAMIENTAS DOCENTES MEDIANTE TECNOLOGÍAS WEB ", Congrés Internacional Docència Universitària i Innovació, Barcelona, Spain July 2006.

[22] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Bayesian DLL for Multipath Mitigation in Navigation Systems using Particle Filters", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France May 2006.

[23] C. Fernandez Prades, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Advanced Signal Processing Techniques in Local User Terminals for Search and Rescue Systems Based on MEO Satellites", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Long Beach, California, USA September 2005.

[24] C. Fernandez Prades, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Time-Frequency Estimation in the COSPAS/SARSAT System Using Antenna Arrays: Variance Bounds and Algorithms", European Signal Processing Conference, Antalya, Turkey September 2005.

[25] C. Fernandez Prades, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "New Trends In Global Navigation Systems: Implementation of a GPS Antenna Array Receiver", IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Sydney, Australia August 2005.

[26] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio, G. Seco and I. Stojkovic, "Design of Local User Terminals for Search and Rescue Systems with MEO satellites", ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, Noordwijk, The Netherlands December 2004.

[27] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades, A. Ramirez Gonzalez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Sincronización con arrays de antenas: aplicación al sistema SARSAT", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Barcelona, Spain September 2004.

[28] C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Multi-Frequency GPS/Galileo Receiver Design using Direct RF Sampling and Antenna Arrays.", IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain July 2004.

[29] C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Robust Space-Time Beamforming in GNSS by means of Second-Order Cone Programming", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada May 2004.

[30] C. Fernandez Prades, A. Ramirez Gonzalez, P. Closas Gómez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Antenna Array Receiver for GNSS", European Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite System, Rotterdam, The Netherlands May 2004.

[31] C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and G. Seco, "On the equivalence of the joint Maximum Likelihood approach and the Multiple Hybrid Beamforming in GNSS synchronization", Baiona Workshop on Signal Processing in Communications, Baiona, Spain September 2003.

[32] P. Closas Gómez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Estimacion de Parametros en Sistemas Search & Rescue Basados en Satelites", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, La Coruña, Spain September 2003.

[33] C. Fernandez Prades, A. Ramirez Gonzalez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Rechazo de interferencias mediante conformación de haz híbrida múltiple en GNSS", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, La Coruña, Spain September 2003.

[34] C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and G. Seco, "A Maximum Likelihood Approach to GNSS Synchronization Using Antenna Arrays", Institute of Navigation Satellite Division Technical Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA September 2003.

[35] A. Ramirez Gonzalez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Performance Analysis of an INS/GPS Integrated System Augmented with EGNOS", ISPRS International Workshop, Castelldefels, Spain September 2003.

[36] C. Fernandez Prades, J. Fernández Rubio and G. Seco, "Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Time Delays and Doppler Shifts", IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Paris, France July 2003, pp. 523 - 526.

[37] A. Ramirez Gonzalez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Some Experiments Using EGNOS and GPS/INS in Terrestrial Navigation", European Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite System, Graz, Austria April 2003.

[38] A. Ramirez Gonzalez, C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio, "Integración GPS/INS para Navegación Vehicular Terrestre en Entornos de Alta Dinámica", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Madrid, Spain September 2002.

[39] C. Fernandez Prades, O. Muñoz Medina, J. Fernández Rubio and A. Ramirez Gonzalez, "Estimación de Máxima Verosimilitud de Retardos y Desplazamientos Doppler", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Alcalá de Henares, Spain September 2002.

[40] C. Fernandez Prades, A. Ramirez Gonzalez and J. Fernández Rubio, "Implementación de corrección de Pseudodistancias y del Algoritmo de Bancroft en MATLAB para el posicionamiento preliminar en GPS", Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Madrid, Spain September 2001, pp. 287 - 288.

Latest Advised Theses

[1] P. Closas Gómez, "BAYESIAN SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES FOR GNSS RECEIVERS: FROM MULTIPATH MITIGATION TO POSITIONING", Dpt. of Signal Theory and Communications, UPC, June 2009. Advisor: C. Fernandez Prades and J. Fernández Rubio.


[1] C. Fernandez Prades, "Advanced Signal Processing Techniques For Global Navigation Satellite Systems Receivers", Dpt. of Signal Theory and Communications, UPC, April 2006. Advisor: J. Fernández Rubio.

Academic activity

Comunicacions I Comunicacions II Fonaments i funcions de l'enginyeria de Telecomunicacions